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Sleep Better For Your Fastest Workout Recovery [Tips]

  Sleep 101: The What, Why, and How For many years, medical experts believed that sleep was just a passive activity. They thought it was when both your body and mind took a breather from the world. Yet, it turns out that sleep is when your body may be resting. But your brain is hard at work carrying out multiple activities that are necessary to your life. In short, the better your sleep, the better the quality of your life will be in general. Add to that the fact that we spend a third of our time doing it. That should be enough to get you motivated to get the best sleep you can. Keep reading to find out all you can about sleep and how it affects our overall well-being. What Is Sleep? Dr. Rafael Pelayo , MD, a sleep specialist at the Stanford Sleep Medicine Center in Redwood City, defines sleep as, “...a natural restorative, physiological process.” We also get a similar definition from sleep experts at Harvard Medical School of Sleep Medicine. Yet, they take it a step further by charac

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